Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Medical Errors & Disclosure
Side Note: When a significant medical error occurs, it is very hard for a physician to know what to do. Depending on what state you live in, the ramifications of admitting a medical error can be vastly different. In some states, if a physician offers a patient an apology, it can be used as evidence […]

Surprise! You're online!
Side Note: Don’t think you’re online? You may be surprised. In this era of the internet and social media, even the most non-technologically advanced physician may be surprised to learn that he or she (and his or her practice) is online –reviewed, for better or for worse, by patients. “Online reputation management” is becoming a […]

Medical Malpractice Tort Reform: How to Reduce Extra Tests in the ER
Side Note: Medical malpractice tort reform is good at accomplishing a lot of things: it can help keep the cost of medical malpractice insurance lower for physicians, it can help reduce the number of frivolous lawsuits, and it can help reduce the number of extra tests that physicians order to protect themselves in case they […]

Some Cold, Hard Medical Malpractice Reform Facts
Side Note: A fabulous article just came out in the New York Post. It puts real numbers and data to the theory that physicians are leaving New York in record numbers to practice medicine elsewhere. The article specifically focuses on New York physicians who leave New York to practice in Texas. Why the mass exodus […]

Would You Publicize Your Worst Medical Malpractice Errors?
Side Note: Medical malpractice mistakes can be devastating for patients and family members –as well as for the physicians who make those mistakes. And, we’re not just talking from a medical malpractice insurance perspective today –today we are talking about more than getting sued. While there are processes and protocol to help the unfortunate victims […]

Wondering How to Handle Negative Online Ratings?
Side Note: Being a physician is getting more and more complicated thanks to technology –and, we’re not even talking about state-of-the-art medical advances or equipment. No, today we are talking about physicians being rated online and how they should respond to those ratings. In the era of online reviews for restaurants, plumbers, professors and products, […]

Transitioning to Better E-prescribing Tech Can Lead to Med Mal Errors Even for the Seasoned
Side Note: Electronic prescribing is nothing new, yet it continues to grow by leaps and bounds. From 2009 to 2010, electronic prescriptions went up by 72%. So, you would think that transitioning from one electronic prescribing system to another wouldn’t be that hard for seasoned, experienced e-prescribing physicians. But, a recent study conducted by physicians […]

OB Medical Malpractice: Errors & Lack of Communication
Side Note: As we all know, Obstetricians face some of the highest medical malpractice insurance rates in the country. This is, in part, because the average payout in an OB physician liability case is more than two times that of other medical specialties, at about $947,000. A recent study sheds light on the kinds of […]

Medical Malpractice: Hospital vs. Outpatient Settings
Side Note: Wouldn’t you think that a physician who practices in a hospital would be more likely to a face medical liability that leads to a medical malpractice lawsuit than a physician who practices in an outpatient setting? Doesn’t it seem “safer” for a physician to practice in an office setting? Strangely enough, it’s not. […]
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