Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Court says Wis. must repay malpractice fund $200M
Side Note: The Wisconsin Supreme Court has found that the state must repay $200M that it took out of the state patient compensation fund for malpractice. This is a victory for the Wisconsin Medical Association, and for health care consumers in Wisconsin. A solvent patient compensation fund keeps medical malpractice insurance premiums stable, and in […]

9 in 10 docs blame lawsuit fears for overtesting
side note: This article from the Associated Press discusses the results of a new survey from the American Medical Association. The survey showed that 90% of American physicians acknowledge that fear of malpractice lawsuits leads to unnecessary testing, building on earlier results we covered several weeks ago. The survey’s result is convincing, as the large […]

ER doctors: Lawsuit fears lead to overtesting
side note: One of the most serious problems associated with today’s hostile medical liability climate is defensive medicine; doctors are afraid of being sued for the slightest lapse and order tests or carry out procedures they do not truly believe are necessary. Defensive medicine is partially responsible for the recent steep rise in the number […]

Another Medicare Payment Deadline Blown: Prepare for AMA Ads
Side Note: As Medicare reimbursement to physicians reaches the date of a scheduled 21% cut, Congress has responded only by pushing the date back and letting the broken system continue. The Cunningham Group supports the efforts of the AMA and other medical organizations to encourage meaningful action on the Medicare payment issue. by Katherine Hobson […]

No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan
Side Note: In this article from the Wall Street Journal, Scott Gottlieb, a practicing physician, anticipates changes that will need to be made by physicians and insurance companies as a result of President Obama’s health plan. In Gottlieb’s view, the Obama plan puts undue economic burden on doctors, who already must deal with increasing medical […]

Free iPhone medical apps that every doctor can use
side note: Found this over at KevinMD’s blog and thought that I should re-post this because all Cunningham Group website visitors should be aware of these. With the explosion of smart phone sales, and the increased awareness of EMR/EHR…these types of apps have become increasingly important to physicians who want to use technology to better….and […]

STUDY: Illinois Medical Malpractice ruling to boost insurers’ costs 18%
We here at Cunningham Group were extremely disappointed that trial lawyers got their way in Illinois and were able to strike down the 2005 Tort Reform legislation put into place to help with the absurd insurance rates physicians have to pay for their professional medical liability. A new study conducted by the consulting firm Millman […]

Illinois Court Overturns Malpractice Statute
side note: We pride ourselves on being advocates for Physicians and were displeased to see the personal trial lawyers of Illinois get handed a victory by the state’s Supreme Court. This will probably lead to more frivolous lawsuits against good physicians. The tort reform bill signed into law in 2005 had kept rates from rising […]

Report: State malpractice claims, insurance rates fall
by Matt Burns Medical malpractice claims and insurance rates fell again in Ohio in 2007, but the state’s top insurance official isn’t calling a win just yet for tort reform legislation that took effect in 2003. The Ohio Department of Insurance’s third annual report on professional liability claims shows 3,451 claims closed in 2007, […]
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