Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Couple files medical malpractice suit against hospital A Tallahassee woman and her husband have filed a lawsuit against Capital Regional Medical Center saying doctors performed unnecessary surgery on her that has led to health problems. Norma and Frank Utermohlen filed the lawsuit Feb. 27. They are seeking an unspecified amount of damages. According to the lawsuit, she was admitted to the […]

GUEST VIEW: Malpractice hurts everyone
The New York Post Imagine walking into your doctor’s office and finding … no one home. That could be a real possibility soon if Albany doesn’t get serious, once and for all, about runaway medical-malpractice awards in New York — and the onerous financial burden they place, indirectly, on patients and doctors here. The […]

Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report Highlights Medical Malpractice Developments in Four States Summaries of developments related to medical malpractice in Mississippi, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia appear below. Mississippi: The Mississippi Supreme Court during its March-April term will consider a request from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that the state clarify rules concerning the statute of limitations on malpractice lawsuits in the state, the […]

AAFP survey picks top EMR vendor
By Molly Merrill LEAWOOD, KS – Participants in a survey sponsored by the American Academy of Family Physicians have named the Praxis EMR the top electronic medical record vendor. In a 2008 User Satisfactory Survey, Infor-Med’s Praxis EMR won first place in overall customer satisfaction, ease of use and flexibility, customer support and training […]

Staten Island doctors join rally against insurance rates
by Staten Island Advance Scores of Staten Island doctors put down their stethoscopes this morning to take up posters and banners. Rising before dawn, the 150 or so borough physicians trekked 170 miles to Albany to join about 1,500 fellow doctors from around the state. Their goal: To rally against what they say are […]

Rally for malpractice insurance reform set for today in Albany
by Staten Island Advance Over 120 physicians from Staten Island will join more than 1,500 of their colleagues from across the state today at a symposium in Albany to voice their concerns over New York state’s excessive medical malpractice rates. “New York physicians pay some of the highest medical malpractice insurance rates in the […]

Insurer finds EMRs won't pay off for its doctors
By Pamela Lewis Dolan, AMNews staff One health plan has come to a conclusion that many physicians already have reached: The financial benefits of office-based electronic medical records systems are not worth the cost to doctors. Relying on information from past studies, including an American Medical Association estimate that doctors see only 11 cents […]

Wichita to train doctors for work in Third World
BY RON SYLVESTER The soldier in Rwanda came to the hospital with a gunshot wound from an AK-47. The doctor available that day, Todd Stephens, grew up in Minneola and figured he’d received a solid education in family practice medicine in his home state. But he wasn’t a surgeon. This man needed surgery or […]

Reformers resist aggressive drug marketing tactics
By Tim Christie Dr. Gail Hacker still remembers the pitch she got from a pharmaceutical sales representative early in her medical career. “If I put my next five hypertensive patients on his drug, he would send me and my husband out to a nice dinner,â€? she said. Hacker, a family physician who now works […]
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