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Maine Med, Tufts to form doctor training program; Coordinators say it could help alleviate a shortage of physicians in Maine
JOSIE HUANG Staff Writer Portland Press Herald (Maine) Maine Medical Center and Tufts University today will announce a new physician-training program that could increase the state’s supply of doctors by reserving spots for Mainers and promoting the state as a good place to practice medicine. The program will start accepting applications this fall for […]

Physician numbers at odds
CareFirst disputes study that indicates impending shortage of doctors

Orthopedic clinics can dispense durable medical equipment for additional revenue
Dispensing DME offers convenience to patients and encourages compliance, advocates claim. By Mike Urban ORTHOPEDICS TODAY As reimbursements continue to be compressed and malpractice insurance rates skyrocket, a growing number of orthopedic clinics are dispensing durable medical equipment to increase revenue and improve patient outcomes. ORTHOPRACTICE trendsDurable medical equipment (DME) can be a lucrative […]

Docs oppose Aetna plan on colonoscopies
By STEPHEN SINGER, AP Business Writer A group of doctors from New Jersey is opposing a plan by Aetna Inc. to drop coverage of a type of anesthesia used during colonoscopies. Gastroenterologists and other doctors say patients anxious about colorectal screening may balk unless they are assured that their insurance coverage includes the cost […]

Health care collections cause swelling of bills The politicians have it all wrong, J.R. Thomas says. The biggest problem facing the health care industry isn’t the quality or availability of treatment, he says. The real danger to our national medical system is the soaring cost of getting the bills collected. The chief executive of Irving-based MedSynergies Inc. sees this firsthand in […]

UW seeks to prevent 'awareness' in surgery
UW seeks to prevent ‘awareness’ in surgery By CHERIE BLACK P-I REPORTER Soon after being put under anesthesia to undergo a hysterectomy, Diana Todd began hearing voices. As she tried to listen to what the voices were saying, she felt the first cut. The pain was indescribable. She stopped counting after the fifth time […]

Doctors' Group Wants Insurance for All
American College of Physicians Asks Candidates to Back Universal Health Coverage By Todd Zwillich WebMD Medical News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD The nation’s biggest organization of specialty doctors called on presidential candidates Thursday to back health insurance coverage for all Americans. Saying the U.S. health care system is “failing,” the American College of […]

Neurosurgeons scarce in Palm Beach County due to legal climate
By Patty Pensa | South Florida Sun-Sentinel When voters told physicians, “Three strikes, you’re out,” Dr. Douglas Martin cautiously pulled back. He dropped his malpractice insurance and cut his practice to three half days a week. “The rest of the time, I trade stocks,” said Martin, a neurosurgeon for almost 30 years. “It’s actually […]

KMA unveils plan to overcome doctor shortage
By Laura Ungar The Courier-Journal The Kentucky Medical Association today unveiled plans to work with legislators to ease the state’s doctor shortage and widen access to health care across the state. A study last year by the Kentucky Institute of Medicine showed the state needs almost 2,300 doctors to meet national standards. “We’ve recognized […]
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