Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Doctor opens own practice to help lower patient costs
By Liz Welter Marshfield News-Herald Not many small towns can support a medical practice. Athens, with a population of about 1,000, now has two. After working for 10 years as the physician at the Marshfield Clinic Athens Center, Dr. Vinoo Cameron on Aug. 2 opened Hope Clinic just across the street. The Internet, computers […]

Speech recognition demonstrates fewer errors than transcribed reports One of the objections to the implementation of speech recognition software in a radiology practice is that it generates more errors than traditional transcription methods. According to a scientific presentation at the 93rd scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), the opposite is true: transcribed reports show higher […]

WA doctors fight proposal to limit physician-owned hospitals
By SHANNON DININNY ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER As rural areas cry out for more doctors, a hospital that serves workers and their families in Eastern Washington farm country could fall victim to a crackdown on boutique hospitals that cater to the urban rich. Doctors at the Wenatchee Valley Medical Center have spent 67 years mending […]

Doctors’ offices may go under the knife when Medicare reimbursements take a 10 percent cut—unless Congress intervenes again
By Erin Frustaci There once was a time when at the first sign of an illness, whether it be a cough, sore throat or fever, a person would dial the family doc to schedule a quick appointment. There wasn’t the hassle or the waiting or the fighting with insurance companies. A lot has changed. […]

MDs bone up on remedies once scorned
Julie Deardorff Tagging along with the holidays come ailments that challenge most Western doctors: stress, back and joint pain, head colds, heart attacks, anxiety, depression, upset stomachs and insomnia. Is it time to try acupuncture, hypnosis, meditation, guided imagery and massage? Surprisingly, even the most conservative mainstream research hospitals now answer “yes!” Twenty years […]

Medicare Advantage plan run by doctors
Essence coverage bypasses insurers By Patrick Howington The Courier-Journal Doctors often say health care would be better if insurers didn’t interfere in medical decisions. Now some Louisville and Lexington physicians have a chance to prove it. They have designed and will run a Medicare managed-care plan, Essence, that will start providing coverage Jan. 1. It […]

Physician lists his HMO concerns Healthcare in the United States has dramatically changed since the advent of the health maintenance organization. Initially, HMOs were designed to provide lower-cost healthcare for individuals who otherwise could not afford healthcare. But, as with many good ideas, the actual practice has changed and the emphasis has shifted from healthcare to the business of […]

Captive Audience: MDs Fighting Back on Malpractice
By E.B. SOLOMONT Staff Reporter of the Sun Fed up with the state’s medical malpractice insurance crisis, some New York City doctors are airing televised messages in their waiting rooms that warn patients of a looming physician shortage. One 60-second spot describes a scarcity of radiologists in the Bronx who are willing to perform […]

Doctor Shortage Is Looming In U.S. Experts say we’re headed for a doctor shortage in this country. You could be waiting weeks or months for a doctor’s appointment, traveling further to get there and spending less time with your doctor when you do. One obstacle stood between Barbara Chorzempa and the birth of her baby, a grueling drive up and […]
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