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More maydays for a Medicare meltdown
AMA Leader Commentary. By Ronald M. Davis, MD A message to all physicians from AMA President Ronald M. Davis, MD. Thomas R. Saving, a public trustee of the Social Security and Medicare system, published a guest column in The Wall Street Journal on May 9 in which he predicted a “Medicare meltdown.” He wrote […]

State Board of Education Considers How to Face Physician Shortage
By Jeff Robinson The state board of education is meeting in Pocatello to figure out how Idaho can solve it’s doctor shortage. Everyone agrees something’s got to be done, and right now the board is talking about some of our state’s options. Consulting firm MGT presented a report that paints a pretty bleak picture […]

Cuts in Medicare reimbursement to doctors may limit access to health care for seniors
By Fred Gray News-Review Staff Writer Without congressional action, reimbursement from Medicare to physicians nationwide will be reduced by 10 percent in January, with cuts predicted to rise to 40 percent by 2016. While that’s not good news for physicians, it may be even worse news for seniors and the disabled, whose access to […]

Exits predicted for baby boom docs
by Almost half of US physicians aged between 50 and 65 years of age are planning to downsize or end their clinical practice in the next one to three years, a survey has indicated. The findings also suggest that many older physicians believe that their younger counterparts do not have the work ethic they […]

Illinois Medical Service Firms Merge to Form Affinity Healthcare
by Tabitha Berg The internal medicine/family practice medical group practices formerly named Greater Northwest Medical Group, North Suburban Internists and Adult Care Specialists have merged to become Affinity Healthcare, LLC. Twenty-six Internal Medicine physicians, a Family Practice physician, two Gastroenterologists, three Certified Physician Assistants, 44 RNs and Medical Assistants, a physician Medical Director of […]

The doctor is IN–and on line
Http:// hicago dermatologist Candace Thrash isn’t a techie, but she does have her own interactive Web site for patients, something just half the nation’s physicians can say. On it, you can schedule or cancel an appointment, refill a prescription and print those tedious patient-history forms, which can be filled out at your leisure in Starbucks. […]

Radiologists Lament Liability Risk, Low Reimbursement as Key Frustrations Physician Survey Shows Radiologists Relish Intellectual Stimulation of Specialty Medical liability risk, declining reimbursement for services and lifestyle issues are among the issues on the minds of radiologists, many of whom have gathered in Chicago this week for the annual conference of the Radiological Society of North America. At least that is the […]

UnitedHealth forces pay-for-performance measures in new contract
By Bruce Japsen | Tribune staff reporter Chicago Tribune An end to a rift that began almost four years ago between Advocate Health Care and managed-care giant UnitedHealth Group over payment rates will result in new pay-for-performance measures for Advocate doctors under a new contract announced last week by the insurer and the Chicago area’s […]

Justice Praises Ohio County Medical Society The Ohio County Medical Society played an integral role in quelling the state’s medical malpractice crisis, said West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Elliott Maynard. Maynard’s comments highlighted the society’s installation of officers dinner held Tuesday at Sandscrest Conference and Retreat Center in Wheeling. He commended society members for their work to have the state […]
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