Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Dr. Demuth named U.S. Family Physician of the Year
By Melanie Wilkinson Staff Writer

City facing major doctor crunch, physician warns
By PABLO FERNANDEZ, SUN MEDIA Steps being taken to address a shortage of family physicians in the province are a good start but they may not be enough to prevent a looming medical crisis, say Calgary doctors. In the next three years the situation is going to become so dire, Dr. Glenn Comm said, he […]

Younger MDs reject boomers' workaholism
Sarah Boesveld, Ottawa Citizen Baby-boomer doctors are working too many hours and are burning out hard and fast, according to an Ottawa psychiatrist. Dr. Derek Puddester, who spoke over the weekend in Winnipeg to the annual meeting of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, says tired doctors make mistakes, lowering the quality of health […]

Md. task force begins study on doctors' pay
By M. William Salganik Sun reporter A new state task force set out yesterday to determine if there is a problem with physician reimbursement and, if so whether it is affecting the availability of doctors in the state. Its findings could spotlight what so far has been primarily a simmering issue between doctors and insurers. […]

Hospitalist programs add a new dimension to health care
By Krista Brick Special to The News-Post OLNEY — Dr. Gloria Grover wanted to have a life, not just a career as a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology. A new program at Montgomery General Hospital in Olney is helping her find that important balance between work and a personal life. Grover had a private […]

Investors To Get Crack At Booming New Medical Field If your reaction to the word “hospitalist” is, “Is that something to do with hotels?” you’re not alone. Hospitalists are doctors, but of a very new type. The term was coined in 1996 for a doctor who works full time with hospitalized patients. Essentially they take over the role of primary care physician for […]

Annual Physician Recruitment Fair Seeks Rural Docs CNW Hundreds of medical students and residents are expected at the fourteenth annual Rural Physician Recruitment Fairs to be held in Calgary and Edmonton this week. The Edmonton Fair will be held 18 September 2007 at the Conference Centre in U of A’s Lister Hall. The Calgary Fair will take place 20 September in […]

Most primary-care docs didn't grow up tech-savvy In response to Bill Bysinger’s letter, I would very much like to know which electronic medical record technology has been shown to be both cost-effective and easily adoptable by primary-care physicians in solo and small-group practices. I have explored many and have yet to find one with a short learning curve if it truly […]

Doctors find going solo painless
By Erik Lacitis Seattle Times staff reporter If patients getting a checkup at Dr. Donald Stewart’s clinic in Sammamish feel at ease — like they’re visiting the family doc at his home — it’s because they are. On July 28, Stewart began his new life as a downsized solo physician, chucking his previous career […]
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