Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research
More on EMRs/EHRs & Medical Liability Coverage
While we have written about electronic medical records (EMRs) (or electronic healthcare records (EHRs) as some like to say) quite a bit here at, there continues to be more and more to write about –especially within the realm of liability and liability coverage. In the past, we have written extensively about data breaches as […]
Electronic Health Records Open Doctors to New Malpractice Risks
No one is arguing that electronic health records are not the future of healthcare. Since the passage of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009, the federal government has been using financial incentives to coax physicians and other healthcare workers into purchasing and employing electronic health records. The government and most health experts agree […]
Withholding the Truth Out of Fear of Being Sued for Med Mal
I recently came across an interesting, though not entirely surprising, study via the Huffington Post. The study, entitled, “Survey Shows That At Least Some Physicians Are Not Always Open Or Honest With Patients,” was recently published in the February Health Affairs journal. One of the most significant reasons physicians cited for not always being forthright […]
Six Things To Never Do in a Med Mal Lawsuit
Nothing can prepare a physician for a med mal lawsuit. They are awful and physicians dread them for good reason. In past blog posts we have given physicians advice on how to handle med mal lawsuits and what to do should they face one. Today, we would like to talk about what NOT to do, […]
4 Ways to Up Patient Satisfaction
We here at know that patient satisfaction is important to our physicians. First, physicians want to provide excellent care for their patients –that is why they became physicians in the first place. And, second, most physicians know that satisfied patients are much less likely to sue them for med mal, causing them to have […]
7 Secrets to Avoid a Med Mal Claim
What are seven simple, tangible things you can do to avoid using your doctor liability coverage? Here they are, in no order: 1. Establish good policies –literally -–and make sure that everyone in your office follows them. This includes having a policies and procedures manual. offers a free Office Policies and Procedures Manual to […]
Physician Liability and EHR Security
Since many physicians have just finished transitioning successfully from old-fashioned paper to electronic healthcare records in their offices, a lot of them now think that their concerns over patient privacy and security have been addressed and that their physician liability has been reduced. They are wrong. EHR security and physician liability due to security breaches […]
Doctor Liability Ins and Your Smartphone
Can your small, handy smartphone cause you to need your doctor liability ins? A recent article in is warning physicians that smartphones can cause distractions significant enough to endanger patient safety. What’s the big deal? Physicians are always being interrupted –by nurses, phone calls, pages, returning lab results, you name it. Many estimate that […]
Top 5 Ways Physicians Can Protect Against a Data Breach
In a recent post, we discussed the growing problem of unsecured smartphone and mobile device use by physicians. Let’s dig deeper into this issue and figure out what you, specifically, can do to protect yourself and your practice. Top Five Things Physicians Can Do to Protect Against a Data Breach on Their Mobile Device: 1. […]
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