Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research
Digitize medical records; waiting puts lives at risk
side note: Another article on the importance of Electronic Health Records (EHR). Though the initial cost may be a burden for doctors, hospitals and practices, the rewards of an electronic system will begin paying immediate dividends. Studies show that error rates (and therefore, medical malpractice lawsuits) are lower for those physicians and hospitals that use […]
Medical Malpractice Suit Over Unsupervised Pain Medication
side note: Looks like this woman has a slam dunk medical malpractice insurance case. Monitoring of narcotics in a hospital setting is paramount. These are the kind of errors that contribute to the rising costs of professional medical liability insurance. I’m assuming med-mal insurance rates in Colorado are going to creep upwards when this trial […]
Free iPhone medical apps that every doctor can use
side note: Found this over at KevinMD’s blog and thought that I should re-post this because all Cunningham Group website visitors should be aware of these. With the explosion of smart phone sales, and the increased awareness of EMR/EHR…these types of apps have become increasingly important to physicians who want to use technology to better….and […]
Using Social Media=Higher Insurance Costs?
I just read an interesting article at on the impact of your home insurance prices if you use social media sites. Why you ask? Well….a lot of people like to Tweet or tell their friends on Facebook and MySpace that they are going on vacation….or heading over to a friend’s house for dinner. That’s […]
Report: State malpractice claims, insurance rates fall
by Matt Burns Medical malpractice claims and insurance rates fell again in Ohio in 2007, but the state’s top insurance official isn’t calling a win just yet for tort reform legislation that took effect in 2003. The Ohio Department of Insurance’s third annual report on professional liability claims shows 3,451 claims closed in 2007, […]
Ethicists debate doctors who keep it personal
By Mary Brophy Marcus
Large Orthopedic Practice Orders Carestream Health's DR, CR Imaging Systems
The Supreme Court, Preemption, and Malpractice Liability
Aaron S. Kesselheim, M.D., J.D., and David M. Studdert, LL.B., Sc.D. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently considering the case of Wyeth v. Levine, whose central question is whether approval of a pharmaceutical product’s label by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should protect the manufacturer from litigation by patients alleging that they were […]
Joint Commission posting patient satisfaction data, mortality rates
By Anne Zieger The Joint Commission has begun posting a wide range of quality data on the Web, including patient-satisfaction survey results and 30-day mortality rates for heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia. The website allows consumers to look up information on how their peers felt about the care they received at hospitals, drawn from […]
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