Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Abortion ruling
Carlos T. Mock, MD Chicago This is in response to “Abortion law is upheld; In 5-4 ruling, justices OK ban on controversial procedure” (Page 1, April 19). As a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, I am deeply troubled by the Supreme Court’s ruling, in which justices approved a ban on partial-birth abortion without taking into consideration the […]

Private Medical Group Helps Babies
By Robin Williams Adams The Ledger The medical team at Lakeland OB-GYN feels a little left out with all the talk about the primary care medical clinic that Central Florida Health Care is establishing in Lakeland with help from Polk County’s indigent-care sales tax. That clinic, due to open in four months, will offer […]

Fix funding formula for hospitals There are no rewards for stating the obvious; still, Department of Health and Senior Services Commissioner Fred M. Jacobs deserves credit for refusing to pull punches in his appearance before the Assembly Budget Committee last week, calling the state’s health-care system what it is: “broken.” Jacobs said the state has reached a point where […]

No more assembly-line medicine
Steve Berberich Dr. Robert Fields proudly displays a framed copy of the letter he sent to Mid Atlantic Medical Services LLC — MAMSI — and to Aetna, CareFirst and other insurers on Aug. 27, 2003, the day he opened his retainer practice, telling them he would no longer accept insurance. Fields said in his […]

It's hard to say I'm sorry…when you're a doctor I’ll never forget when my own favorite doctor apologized to me. He hadn’t made a mistake, really, he had just underestimated me and my ability to manage my own medical care. I pushed for a test, he rolled his eyes, and when the results came back he was man enough to admit I may […]

Outspoken Physician Urges Americans to Learn How to Diffuse Their Own Medical Time Bombs Dr. Corso explains why, thousands of people die, in the prime of life, from easily preventable causes, and how readers can avoid becoming one of them. Everyone knows someone who died in their 50’s or 60’s from a medical ticking time bomb, they simply did not detect. Dr. Corso is an amazing guest who […]

Doctors ask Nevada lawmakers to pass 'I'm sorry' law
Associated Press Doctors asked Nevada lawmakers Friday to pass a law that would let them say they’re sorry for medical mistakes — something they’re usually told not to do because of fears an apology could be used against them later in court. Several doctors and the head of the Nevada State Medical Association asked […]

Study Shows Online Education Improves Physician Response to Domestic Violence
Novel Approach to Physician Education Makes Doctors More Likely to Address Domestic Violence in Their Patients Physicians are more likely to recognize, validate, assess and respond to suspected domestic (intimate partner) violence in their patients after participating in an Internet course on the subject, according to new study results reported this week at the […]

Injured patients want new rules for chiropractors
By Susan Haigh, Associated Press Writer -When Brittmarie Harwe woke up with a sore neck and shoulder in 1993, she sought help from a chiropractor recommended by a friend. But at her second visit, something went terribly wrong. “When he did the first (adjustment), I felt it, like a rushing noise in my head, dizzy,” […]
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