Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Expanded HEDIS® Specifications for Physician Measurement Opened to Public Comment New Set of Performance Measures Expands Scope of Measurement, Provides Support for Electronic Health Record Data Collection

'Concierge' doctors have time on their side
By Sandy Kleffman CONTRA COSTA TIMES On a typical day, five or six patients used to fill Dr. Michael O’Brien’s small waiting room, cooling their heels until they got 10 minutes with the Castro Valley physician.

Bill protects a doctor's apology
administrative note: Cunningham Group participated in the development of a ground breaking book entitled, Healing Words: the power of apology in medicine which was specifically written for physicians, by a physician. The book discusses, among other things, how and why a physician can show empathy towards their patient during adverse outcomes. You can purchase the […]

Liability mistakes
By Patti S. Spencer Intelligencer Journal LANCASTER COUNTY, Pa. – li-ti-gious function: adjective 1 : prone to engage in lawsuits or legal maneuvers esp. to an excessive degree stubbornly litigious defendant — from

Home-care doctors are on a roll
Kate Williamson, The Examiner

athenahealth Helps Massachusetts Medical Providers Avert Insurance Claim Denials Worth Nearly $100 Million in 2006
athenahealth, Inc., the premier provider of web-based services, knowledge, and software for medical practices, today announced that in 2006 its system caught claims errors that would have resulted in health insurance claim denials totaling close to $100 million for Massachusetts medical providers. This figure is one of a series of new financial milestones athenahealth achieved […]

Hospitals say there are no quick fixes to long lines in emergency rooms
BY NASEEM SOWTI STAR-BANNER Joyce Gazzara went to the emergency room with severe stomach pain on a recent Friday afternoon, hoping to get quick treatment. But the 64-year-old suffered for 12 hours in the waiting room at Munroe Regional Medical Center, before she managed to squeeze through the bottleneck of ER doors.

Doctors explore payment options
By Laren Hughes Hall Staff Writer The days of co-pays and deductibles could be coming to an end as more doctors rebel against insurance companies that refuse to pay a fair amount for their services. While reimbursements decrease and overhead costs rise, some physicians are finding it difficult to break even, said Catherine Smoot, a […]

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