Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research
Program turning out more country doctors for state
DAVE PARKS News staff writer Dr. Drake Lavender wears many stethoscopes as a family physician practicing medicine in rural Alabama. He sees 15 to 20 patients a day at the Pickens County Family Practice Center in Gordo, then heads over to the Pickens County Medical Center in Carrollton, where he makes rounds, helps staff […]
Sun Microsystems Healthcare Mantra: Reduce Cost and Complexity
By John Russell Sun Microsystems director of Healthcare and Life Sciences, Joerg Schwarz, talks about the need to change financial incentives to spur Health IT adoption, describes mistakes made by the giant U.K. health-IT initiative, outlines Sun’s healthcare strategy, and provides an assessment of Sun’s performance in the race by global IT giants to help […]
The Ob-Gyn Shortage
Skyrocketing insurance premiums are forcing thousands of ob-gyns out of the baby business. And your doctor could be the next to go. By Jeannette Moninger Doctor Drought “I am not having my baby in this car,” thought Mattelyn Lee, a mother of two, as she tried to breathe through another contraction. Giving birth on […]
Practice of the Year: CH-CH-CH-CHANGES
The young physicians of our 2006 Practice of the Year love to innovate By Bob Keaveney It’s not yet 8 a.m. when the calls begin and the patients start arriving. Family physician Christopher Crow has just stepped out of his office on his way to see the morning’s first patient when the buzzing of […]
Technology: Healthcare in the Fast Lane
Affordable technology solutions for today’s busy practices By Shelly K. Schwartz By all accounts, prescribing a drug remains one of the most inefficient processes within the doctor-patient relationship. The physician scribbles the name and dosage of a medication on a paper prescription pad. The patient then hand-delivers that piece of paper to a local […]
Electronic health record safe harbors
By Helen Oscislawski, Esq. Can physicians accept “donated” technology and services relating to electronic health records and electronic prescribing? The answer to the question is “yes.” However, the corollary question that this article aims to answer is how this can be accomplished without running afoul of the federal Anti-Kickback Statute (Anti-Kickback Law) and Physician […]
Practicing patient-centered
By Christopher Guadagnino, Ph.D.. Interview with John Wasson, MD. John Wasson, M.D., is director of Dartmouth Medical School’s Center for the Aging, and research director for Dartmouth Northern New England Primary Care Research Network. PND: What is patient-centered collaborative care, and why is it important for physicians to practice in this way? JW: Health […]
Set policies to address discrimination complaints
Contract Language. By Steven M. Harris, AMNews contributor. It seems as if every other call I receive these days is from a client telling me about a complaint charging his medical practice with some form of discrimination. And with that complaint often comes a claim of retaliation — that the employee who felt discriminated […]
Paying Doctors for Better Care Should doctors be paid in accord with how often they treat you or how well they treat you? The answer presumably is a bit of both. Yet the current fee-for-service reimbursement systems used by Medicare and other insurance programs perversely reward doctors for the volume of services they provide and pay little or no […]
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