Dermatologists Give MDTotal High Marks At American Academy of Dermatology Vendor Challenge

MDTotal EMR and Practice Management Systems dominated the dermatology software vendor challenge event at the annual summer session of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), recently held in Chicago.

The AAD at its summer meeting organized an ERM software challenge event in front of a live audience consisting of dermatologists and administrators, whom at the end were asked to score the vendors based on technical and clinical criteria including, is the EMR “candidate for my practice�. Dermatologists scored MDTotal consistently higher (80% avg.) in all categories compared to (60% avg.) agregate score of all other vendors ( Dr. Babar. K. Rao, Chairman department of Dermatology, Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine and Dentistry commented on MDTotal as “the only professional software for dermatologists�. The event it self was a “huge success,� according to William Brady and Rachna Chaudry, Managers of the AAD Practice Management Department, from the large number of attending dermatologist “94% reported that they would recommend the Challenge to a colleague at future Academy meetings�.

The state of the art Healthcare Information Management System (HIMS) touts technology well beyond leading health care industry software. MDTotal Chief Executive, Dr. Rizwan Rahman says “our performance was no surprise, current big name systems are all based on outdated poorly integrated technology. These systems base their crucial EMR component on cumbersome, archaic word-processing templates, all similar in look and functionality�. Dr. Rahman further added “we’re very excited with these results, they clearly show dermatologist’s approval for MDTotal’s unique EMR design documentation and management capability�.

For dermatologists the 1�minute patient encounter documentation eliminates the need for; paper charting, word�processing, voice recognition, transcriptions, manual coding or billers; health care facilities can operate efficiently with a minimal staff while additionally improving revenue generation with its automated charge captures and electronic billing. This fully integrated ERM has a host of new-age capabilities including communications and services between patients, doctors, hospitals, diagnostic labs, insurance companies and even patient health portals all operable on a variety of hardware including Apple’s iPhone and iPod.

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