Diagnosing swine flu online

side note: This is a smart tactic that will help lower healthcare costs if they are able to spread the word to check online before you rush to the hospital because you have swine flu. You have to think that there had to be an incredible high number of people misdiagnosing themselves and then running to the hospital. Good Luck!

Washington Post

Are you wondering whether you or your kid is sick enough to see a doctor to get treated for swine flu? Microsoft Corp., working with doctors at Emory University, Wednesday announced the availability of an interactive web site to help.

If you click on that link, you’ll see it asks for your age and a series of questions about whether you or your child is suffering from a fever or other symptoms or has any other health problems. It can only be used for kids age 12 and older.

It may tell you that it is indeed swine flu, known officially as the 2009 H1N1 virus, but that all you need to do is rest and get plenty of fluids. Or it may say you should seek immediate medical attention because “you may be very sick.”

The site, which has been endorsed by the American College of Emergency Medicine, is part of a broader effort to minimize the number of people who are running to the doctor or the local emergency room because they are worried about swine flu. Officials are worried that the health system could get overwhelmed if that happens. Most people who get the virus will suffer relatively mild symptoms and recover without needing to see a doctor. But there are some people who are at risk, such as pregnant women and people with other health problems, such as asthma, diabetes and obesity.

original Washington Post article

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