Medicare Rates for Doctors: Congress needs to act!

Doctors have 4 more days to contact their Congressional representatives and urge them to hold off on the 21% Medicare cuts that could have dire consequences on Americans getting the care they need.

President Obama is trying to persuade Congress to kill the 21% cut required by a 1990s deficit reduction law that Congress usually waives. What we here at don’t understand is why they will do it for most anyone else, but doctors seem to get the raw end of this deal! Maybe this has to do with the fact that doctors, physicians and other healthcare professionals do not have proper representation in Washington DC. This is why we consistently urge all MD’s and DO’s to join lobbying efforts b/c real change doesn’t happen unless money is being funneled into politician’s pockets. There are organizations that medical professional can join for free, such as SERMO, this is a closed social network where over 112,000 physicians come together and discuss….well, I think they discuss everything from Obamacare to anything medical related. I am not a doctor, so I don’t have access and thus don’t know for sure what it on the site. We have numerous clients who are members, and they speak very highly of SERMO. Another organization that is trying to make a positive impact for doctors is They are actively lobbying in DC, but I’m unsure of their numbers…they are still a very young organization.

It’s important to get involved in this historic fight. We must keep one of the country’s most important professions profitable and with less government oversight.

We do think that if these Medicare cuts do go through, then all doctors should have their medical malpractice insurance costs re-evaluated. If not by us, then by another reputable company. Make sure you are not paying too much…..granted, it’s hard to tell if you are, but that’s another reason we’re the most trusted site on the Internet for doctors and other health care professionals. Lower your med mal costs today.

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