HHS Establishes Most-Wanted List

Side Note: The Department of Health & Human Services released a list of its Most Wanted Fugitives for health care fraud. The individuals are not necessarily the worst offenders out there, but instead represent a cross-section of different types of individuals wanted for health care fraud by the government. Interestingly, two of the ten fugitives have been captured already and two new fugitives will replace them on the list shortly. The interactive list (you can click on each individual) provides detailed information on where the person works or worked, the type of fraud committed, and other relevant information. Now, while you never want to find yourself on the list for obvious reasons (it’s wrong and it’ll ruin your career), for physicians convicted of a felony, it most certainly leads to licensing issues, which leads to paying significantly more for med mal insurance. No one wants to see their liability rates go up. That’s really wrong, if you ask us.

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HHS Now Has Its Own Most-Wanted List — For Health-Care Fraud
By Katherine Hobson
February 4, 2011, 3:53 PM ET
WSJ Blogs

HHS’s Office of Inspector General has a first-ever list of the most-wanted health-care fugitives, featuring ten of the 170 folks wanted on health fraud and abuse charges.

Actually, only eight of the ten are still at large — two were captured while the new website was being developed, Roberta Baskin, a spokeswoman for the IG’s office, tells the Health Blog. Their replacements will be selected soon, she says. The people on the list aren’t necessarily the worst offenders in terms of dollars or harm, though; Baskin says they represent a cross-section of the types of fraud and offenders.

See Original Article
Read the HHS Press Release
See the Most Wanted List

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