Justice Department declares war on doctors

side note: Well, this was not a good ruling for doctors in this country. I know there is a fine line for doctors in having a profitable business and staying true to the Hippocratic oath, but this to me, seems a bit of an over-extending by the DOJ. I have been following this case and it didn’t seem like the DOJ needed to be involved, but here they are. What I think this boils down to is doctors really don’t have a true voice in Washington DC. We see a company like BP get away with so many horrible things…and not much is done….but they have an army of lobbyists. It’s good to see doctors starting to band together in dealing with the BS in DC….some of the groups that a few of our current clients belong to are: SERMO and Docs4PatientCare

Join the above groups or find another one that fits your beliefs and needs. Doctors need to come together if they are to have any shot in getting any favorable legislation passed.

By Mises
Economics Blog
Christian Science Monitor
In a landmark Idaho case, the Justice Department forced a group of doctors to accept government price controls.

As I’ve long suspected, “health care reform” has emboldened the Justice Department to take a more active role in enforcing government price controls against physicians. Today the Antitrust Division, joined by Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, forced a a group of Boise orthopedists to accept price controls for worker’s compensation and HMO contracts as part of a settlement accusing the doctors of “price fixing”:

According to the complaint, the conspiring orthopedists engaged in two antitrust conspiracies, which took place from 2006 to 2008. In the first conspiracy, through a series of meetings and other communications, the orthopedists agreed not to treat most patients covered by workers’ compensation insurance.


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