OB Medical Malpractice: Errors & Lack of Communication

Side Note: As we all know, Obstetricians face some of the highest medical malpractice insurance rates in the country. This is, in part, because the average payout in an OB physician liability case is more than two times that of other medical specialties, at about $947,000.

A recent study sheds light on the kinds of errors that most frequently occur in OB med mal lawsuits. The study, conducted by CRICO Strategies, reviewed OB med mal cases filed between 2005-2009. The top three kinds of errors found were: errors in clinical judgment (77%), miscommunication (36%), and technical errors (26%).

The study was done in an attempt to better understand how and why OB cases turn problematic (or into a full-blown crisis). As a result, CRICO is hoping that education and training regarding these kinds of errors can go a long way to preventing them.

Are you an OB looking to lower your physician liability insurance rates? If so, complete our free quote request today.

Judgment errors rank among top reasons for lawsuits against obstetricians
By Alicia Gallegos
From AMedNews.com
Posted June 28, 2011

Baby with ObstetricianErrors in clinical judgment, miscommunication and technical mistakes are the three top reasons cited for medical liability cases against obstetricians, according to a report.

The study, released in June by CRICO Strategies, analyzed the causes behind more than 800 obstetrician-related medical liability cases filed between 2005 and 2009. CRICO Strategies is an international company that provides risk management software and other services to hospitals and medical liability insurers.

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