Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research

Nearly One-Third of Connecticut Physicians Dissatisfied With Work Conditions, Survey Finds

American Medical Group Association Collaborates with Phytel to Enhance Quality of Care and Clinical Excellence

HealthEast Physician, Patient Named Heroes of 2008 by American Heart Association/Greater Midwest Affiliate

Survey: Doctors Dissatisfied With Practice Environment In State
By HILARY WALDMAN Many Connecticut physicians are thinking about changing jobs or moving out of state because they are sick and tired of practicing medicine here. The picture of doctor dissatisfaction comes from a survey of 1,077 practicing physicians commissioned by the Connecticut State Medical Society and published today in the society’s journal, Connecticut […]

ER docs less efficient at shifts' end, study says
Pamela Fayerman

Valley Ear, Nose & Throat Sees Growth Thanks to Mediplay RALEIGH, N.C.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Mediplay, Inc. is transforming point-of-care marketing in doctors’ offices by helping physicians increase profits. Today the company announced its agreement with Valley Ear, Nose & Throat to install Mediplay’s digital signage system in 14 Valley ENT locations across Arizona. Valley ENT is Arizona’s largest Otolaryngology practice and participated with Mediplay in a […]

Across Mass., wait to see doctors grows
By Liz Kowalczyk The wait to see primary care doctors in Massachusetts has grown to as long as 100 days, while the number of practices accepting new patients has dipped in the past four years, with care the scarcest in some rural areas. Now, as the state’s health insurance mandate threatens to make a chronic […]

California's El Camino Hospital Funds Electronic Health Records System for Affiliated Physicians WESTBOROUGH, Mass. – (Business Wire) eClinicalWorks®, a market leader in ambulatory clinical systems, today announced that El Camino Hospital of Mountain View, Calif., is financially supporting an electronic health records initiative for its affiliated physicians, the Independent Physicians of El Camino Hospital (IPECH). The group selected eClinicalWorks unified electronic medical record (EMR) and practice […]

Lawyer to docs: 'Sorry works'
By JACK BRUBAKER, Staff Dr. A makes mistake during medical procedure, leaving patient with partial paralysis of right arm. Dr. A. does not admit mistake and refuses to discuss it with patient. Dr. B. makes similar mistake with similar result to patient’s arm. Dr. B. admits error, says he’s sorry and perhaps even offers […]
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