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Malpractice insurance costs must be addressed
South Florida Sun-Sentinel Editorial Board ISSUE: Fewer doctors available to deliver babies. Doctor shortages are getting worse in South Florida due to a double-whammy, the exorbitant cost of malpractice insurance and low medical reimbursements. Obstetricians and gynecologists are disappearing, leaving expectant mothers in a lurch at a time when their health and the safe […]

Survey examines physician practice in NY
Annemarie Franczyk Demand for primary doctors in New York state has caught up to the critical need for specialists, according to a recent study from the Center for Health Workforce Studies at University at Albany‘s School of Public Health. As a result, new primary care physicians reported an increasing number of job offers and […]

Health Insurers Quit Covering Hospitals' Medical Screw-Ups
Investor’s Business Daily delivered by Newstex You’ve no doubt had the experience of paying for car repairs that were done wrong. Not only did you pay for the faulty repair, you also paid to fix the error. Health insurers have faced the same problem, paying for medical mistakes and the consequences of those mistakes. […]

Impending doctors pay cut spurs Congress to look at shortage
By Rob Hotakainen WASHINGTON — Congress is under pressure to remedy a national doctor shortage that could worsen on July 1, when physicians who treat Medicare patients get a 10 percent pay cut. One-third of the nation’s active doctors — or roughly 250,000 — are over 55 and likely to retire in the next […]

Medicare pay cut could hasten health care crisis
BY ROB HOTAKAINEN AND ANDI ATWATER Congress is under pressure to fix a national doctor shortage that could worsen on July 1, when physicians who treat Medicare patients will get a 10 percent pay cut. Some say the situation is dire. One-third of the nation’s active doctors — or roughly 250,000 of them — […]

Med schools look to head off doctor shortage
BY DAVID RUNK • ASSOCIATED PRESS Universities and hospitals across Michigan are working to head off an impending doctor shortage fueled by the nation’s aging baby boomer population. The state’s first new medical school in four decades is set to open in 2010, and existing schools are expanding their campuses and admitting bigger classes. […]

OPINION: Legislation won't benefit patients
By Mike King Georgia’s Republican legislators held it together on the last day of the session just long enough to push through two measures that they claim will stimulate competition in the state’s health care marketplace. State legislative leaders, borrowing from the health care playbook of GOP think tanks, contend that consumers will benefit […]

Sen. Baucus Outlines Plan That Would Delay Medicare Physician Fee Cut for 18 Months At a meeting with physicians on Friday, Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.) outlined a package of Medicare legislation that would delay for 18 months a 10% Medicare physician payment cut that is scheduled to take effect July 1, CQ Today reports. The measure would prevent the cuts until 2010 and could also […]

More S. Florida obstetricians stop delivering babies, cut services
By Patty Pensa Pregnant women in South Florida face fewer choices for medical care as more doctors stop delivering babies and avoid taking on high-risk patients. The result: More patients flock to fewer doctors, who in turn send expectant mothers to even fewer specialists. It means more juggling of appointments, longer waits to see […]
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