Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research
Ongoing Fight in New Hampshire Threatens Medical Malpractice Fund
side note: An ongoing fight in New Hampshire is threatening a state-created medical malpractice insurance fund. Set up in 1975 as a Joint Underwriting Association (JUA), the fund is designed to provide affordable physician liability insurance to doctors in high-risk specialties. Currently, the state government is wrangling with policyholders over the $110 million surplus in […]
No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan
Side Note: In this article from the Wall Street Journal, Scott Gottlieb, a practicing physician, anticipates changes that will need to be made by physicians and insurance companies as a result of President Obama’s health plan. In Gottlieb’s view, the Obama plan puts undue economic burden on doctors, who already must deal with increasing medical […]
Medical Malpractice Insurance: What You Need to Know When you Leave a Practice
Side note: Great advice on what to do about your medical malpractice insurance policy if you leave a practice. Unfortunately, many physicians incur unnecessary costs because they aren’t familiar with their practice’s policies on med mal insurance, including tail coverage. Make sure that you are fully covered and that your medical liability insurance does not […]
Medical Liability Insurance: Tip #2 on how to lower your costs
We received a lot of great feedback on our first tip for the best ways to lower your medical liability insurance costs. We had so many emails asking me questions, so instead of answering them all one by one, I thought I’d build out my first tip for doctors on how they can lower their […]
Tip #1 on how to lower your medical malpractice insurance costs
As we slowly wind down the week, I thought I’d spend a few minutes going over a tip that doctors and other health care professionals can use to help lower their medical liability insurance rates. This will be the first in our series of how to make sure you pay the absolute lowest price for […]
Translation Errors can Lead to Medical Errors
Side note: Two articles today about the issue of translation in medicine. As the U.S. population becomes more and more diverse, this is an increasing problem for doctors, practices, hospitals and pharmacies to address. The first article, from The Philadelphia Inquirer, addresses working with non-English speaking patients at your practice. As the writer explains, it […]
Reporting surgical fires could improve patient safety in Ohio, experts say
side note: transparency and risk management have long been suggested as a means of lowering medical accidents. The Cleveland Clinic is correct. Accountability and a sharing of mistakes would go far in preventing future mistakes. When fire breaks out and burns a patient during surgery in Pennsylvania, the hospital is required by law to report […]
Medical liability: A world of difference
Side note: A nice comparison of the American medical liability system with those of other countries. Though a wholesale adoption of one of these methods might not suit American needs, there is much of value in looking at the ways other countries deal with medical malpractice issues. Most of these systems treat medical malpractice lawsuits […]
Digitize medical records; waiting puts lives at risk
side note: Another article on the importance of Electronic Health Records (EHR). Though the initial cost may be a burden for doctors, hospitals and practices, the rewards of an electronic system will begin paying immediate dividends. Studies show that error rates (and therefore, medical malpractice lawsuits) are lower for those physicians and hospitals that use […]
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