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Missouri is an example of effective medical malpractice reform
side note: Former-Gov. Blunt touts his state’s tort reform as the answer to healthcare problems and wasteful spending. Wall Street Journal There has been a lot of talk in Washington about cutting wasteful health-care spending, but it is troubling that such talk has not created a sense of urgency for national tort reform. It is […]
Pro & Con: Should medical malpractice damage caps be a part of health care reform?
side note: YES. Caps lower liability insurance costs and cut ‘defensive medicine.’ By Randolph W. Pate Perhaps the most conciliatory moment in President Barack Obama’s health care speech before Congress came when he acknowledged concern with the high costs of medical malpractice lawsuits. He proposed moving forward with state-level demonstration projects to test various ways […]
Malpractice liability cap popular issue in efforts to reform health care
side note: What are the potential cost-saving effects if States put limits on compensation, in the form of liability insurance caps? WASHINGTON – Medical malpractice costs are getting more attention in the health care debate, despite studies that show capping jury awards in malpractice cases would do little to lower health care spending. Thirty-six states […]
What does the media think of President Obama's proposed HHS tort reform
side note: Here is a nice collection of several major news sources commenting on President Obama’s proposed HHS tort reform study grants to reduce medical malpractice costs. The AP (9/18) reports that on Thursday the Obama Administration “announced $25 million in grants for states and health care systems to experiment with alternatives to costly […]
Medical Malpractice Victim Helps Uphold Constitutional Rights of Patients
side note: This is a significant court decision against the requirement of certificates of merit prior to filing a court claim. Reuters The Washington State Supreme Court overturned a law that required victims of medical malpractice to submit a certificate of merit from a medical expert in the same field as each health care defendant […]
An experiment on medical malpractice reform
side note: Today the White House announced plans to launch a $25 million demonstration project to examine possible tort reforms that could lower the cost of healthcare. This olive branch of bipartisanship could bode well for the Obama Administration. Do you like this idea? The part of President Obama’s health care speech last week […]
Court says insurer can't void medical malpractice insurance policy
side note: Here is an interesting case. A doctor lied to his insurer by not disclosing previous claims; then disappears after damaging the plaintiff in this case — never to be heard from again — and is unavailable to participate in his own defense. A sad case all around. Here’s hoping this never happens to […]
Medical Malpractice Myths Debunked – Texas, California and Some Michigan Thrown In
side note: In this article, the author questions whether tort reform — and its effect on medical malpractice insurance premiums — will have any impact on the cost of healthcare. Do you think tort reform is the answer? Would love to hear from you. The Pop Tort We’ve noticed a definite spike in the amount […]
Georgia Court to Consider Medical Malpractice Limits
side note: Herein lies the constitutional question as to whether caps on non-economic damages are in violation of a state Constitution. There are a lot of States that have these caps in place, will other State Supreme Courts follow? Do you think these caps on non-economic damages are Constitutional? This could have a major effect […]
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