Practice managers urged to join new representative body

Management in Practice


Practice managers and assistants are being invited to join a proposed new representative professional body.

The vision for this professional body was established at a meeting of practice managers and other interested parties in January 2008. Organisers say it will be an independent body unaffiliated to any other existing organisation.

Practice Manager Kathleen Edwards, a spokesperson for the proposed body, said: “Now more than ever before an independent body is needed to represent the interests of all GP management at a national level. This new association will be owned and run by practice managers for practice managers.”

Before the association is officially launched, organisers are keen to get feedback from potential members and interested parties, “to know that it is truly representative of what you, the managers, want.”

So far, the following objectives have been outlined for the proposed new body:

  • “To raise the national profile of practice management.”
  • “To develop a code of ethics/practices that members sign up to as a mark of professionalism.”
  • “To seek out a defined development and career path for all.”
  • “To develop standards of continuing professional development.”
  • “To develop effective two-way communication mechanisms to inform and represent the views of members.”
  • “To lobby key policymakers on behalf of the profession.”
  • “To provide access to the latest and best in management thinking to help members stay on top of change and meet the challenges and pressures of the future.”

For further information on this new body, and for details of how to get involved, email
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