Senator Coburn and Barrasso release Obamacare report

This report, titled “Bad Medicine: A Check-Up On The New Federal Health Law” takes a look at the implementation of Obamacare after 100 days since it was passed. We here at were not too pleased with the final version of this bill, mainly because it didn’t include decent Tort Reform legislation that would help lead to the lower cost of medical malpractice insurance for doctors. Malpractice insurance was one arena that both President Obama and Republicans found common ground and looked to make some advancements…..but they never materialized.

This report is interesting reading, but we can’t help but think that 100 days isn’t long enough to know if a major bill… that comes around once or twice per generation, will have a positive or negative effect on health care costs….especially as the Boomers continue to retire in droves. have long been advocates for doctors and have championed legislation that will enable the doctor/patient relationship to be the most important thing in healthcare. We have put together a Patient Satisfaction Survey System for doctors to help lower liability by learning what the patient thinks of the practice. This system is free of charge to all of our clients…..and it’s available in 9 languages. This is just one of the many free services we offer our clients because at the end of the day……the doctor is what matters the most. Some of the other services are:

Free Risk Manager on staff: To help you out with all your practice needs…the implementation of this has shown to lead to lower malpractice insurance costs.

We will also create Custom Office Policies and Procedures Manual for your practice, so every employee has a clear idea of how things operate.
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