Slade Consulting Group Launches Physician Recruitment Practice MDSearch
Canada’s healthcare market is highly fragmented and growing as fewer physicians are entering the in-demand specialties including family and rural practice. Studies by the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) project the shortage to increase to between 2,400 and 3,400 physicians by 2010 depending on the degree of government action. These figures point towards an Ontario physician shortage that will seriously hinder Ontarians access to medical treatment.
“Canadian citizens deserve equal access to reliable and effective healthcare” says Abe Prabhakar, practice leader of MDSearch, a division of Slade Consulting Group that partners under-serviced communities, hospitals, physician groups, private clinics and property managers with exceptional physicians.
“We are not a passive recruiter” says Brett Slade, Managing Director of the firm. He explains that MDSearch’s proactive appoach is a unique alternative to most Canadian search firms competing with the vertical. “We have adapted our search methodology to address the increased global and regional competitiveness required to attract and secure physicians for our clients.
By marketing opportunities directly to medical residents, Slade Consulting Group has access to an estimated annually-revolving market of 1200 physicians seeking practice opportunities.
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