Some Cold, Hard Medical Malpractice Reform Facts

Side Note: A fabulous article just came out in the New York Post. It puts real numbers and data to the theory that physicians are leaving New York in record numbers to practice medicine elsewhere. The article specifically focuses on New York physicians who leave New York to practice in Texas. Why the mass exodus to Texas? Because Texas has had some very successful medical malpractice tort reform (known as Prop 12) and is now a very attractive state to physicians. When compared to New York, the stats and the results of med mal reform are undeniable.

Since 2003, physician liability insurance rates have gone up by more than 60% in New York, while they have dropped by 54% in Texas (yes, dropped). In that same time period, 1,271 New York physicians have migrated to Texas, according to the Texas Medical Board records. And, the article goes on to say that more than 26,000 new physicians have started practicing medicine in Texas since the reforms started –with the vast majority coming from outside of Texas. Read on for more regarding this trend.

Are you a New York physician looking for some relief from New York medical malpractice insurance rates? Contact us, to see if we can help you.

Thanks for the doctors, New York
Last Updated: August 17, 2011

Former NY OB/GYN Happy Now in TexasDr. Jackelinne Pilar Villalobos was one of Brooklyn’s few female English and Spanish-speaking obstetricians. She loved the city and her patients, and never wanted to leave — but 18 months ago, she moved to Houston, where we’re delighted to have her.

Villalobos’ journey to Texas began in 2003, when our Legislature reformed Texas’ legal system — including sweeping medical-malpractice reforms. Back then, doctors in New York and Texas were paying about the same for medical-liability insurance. In Villalobos’ case, it was more than $100,000.

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