Surprise! You're online!

Side Note: Don’t think you’re online? You may be surprised. In this era of the internet and social media, even the most non-technologically advanced physician may be surprised to learn that he or she (and his or her practice) is online –reviewed, for better or for worse, by patients.

“Online reputation management” is becoming a more significant part of many physicians’ practices –just like coding and billing or ordering supplies –and for good reason. Just as there is no filter prohibiting individuals from posting online, there is nothing preventing others from spreading what’s posted. Thus, a single bad (or inaccurate) review on one site can quickly get circulated via social media.

So what is a physician to do? As we have said many times before, with other matters pertaining to medical malpractice and medical malpractice insurance, a good offense is the best defense. Nuturing the doctor-patient relationship and exercising a good bedside manner is one of the best ways to ensure satisfied, happy patients and minimize bad online reviews.

Beyond that, the article below mentions five ways to start managing your online reputation. If, however, you encounter significant problems, you may require the assistance of a professional reputation management firm and the article also gives you info on how to find a reputable firm.

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5 ways to manage your online reputation
By: Pamela Lewis Dolan
From: amednews staff
Posted: Sept. 12, 2011

Unhappy Physician Even if some physicians themselves are not online, their names, comments on their style of practice, and complaints or compliments about them probably are.

All of the online content devoted to a particular physician could negatively impact his or her reputation, and subsequently his or her business, if steps aren’t taken to manage that content and — when necessary — defend it. This is often referred to as online reputation management.

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