Share of Physicians Working in Private Practice Dropped by 13 Points During Past Decade
side note: Our view on the healthcare system is that care provided by doctors is typically better when the doctor is affiliated with a private practice….rather than with a hospital system. How do we get back to this world of better care? A new Policy Research Perspective from the American Medical Association (AMA) indicates the […]

Is New Mexico’s Compensatory Damage Cap the Next to Fall?
Arguments in favor of and against New Mexico’s medical malpractice compensatory damage cap were made last month, and now the question as to whether it is constitutional rests in the hands of five justices on the state’s Supreme Court. The compensatory cap limits economic and noneconomic damages, but not medical costs or punitive damages, to […]

Trump Administration Fiscal-Year 2020 Budget Proposal Estimates $31.5 Billion in Savings from Hypothetical Medical Liability Reform
In March, the Trump Administration unveiled its Fiscal-Year 2020 budget proposal, outlining the President’s tax and spending priorities for the next decade. While the president’s budget proposal is simply a request with no binding authority on Congress, it is best understood as a detailed statement by the administration of its fiscal goals and policy preferences. […]

Junior doctors go on strike in the UK. Could you see this happening here?
It’s been almost a full day since junior doctors in the UK decided to walk out and strike. It’s important to note what junior doctors actually are: The term junior doctor is a little misleading. It covers medics who have just graduated from medical school through to those who have more than a decade of […]
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