Electronic Medical Records and Documentation in Telemedicine
As with any physician-patient encounter, telemedicine needs to include proper documentation and use of electronic medical records. In Part V of our series, Physician Focus: Telemedicine, we talk with Dr. Jonathan Terry, an award-winning osteopathic physician and surgeon and psychiatrist who uses telemedicine extensively in his practice. Dr. Terry explains that, in addition to documenting […]

A possible nightmare scenario for a Community Hospital relying on EHR/EMR.
A community hospital in Boulder Colorado is facing a major challenge this week because it’s computer system has failed. The IT professionals handling the outage have not been able to determine what caused the issue, or if it is related to hacking. These types of warning signs should grab the attention of hospital and medical […]

Medical Malpractice Insurance Savings from Electronic Medical Records yet to be seen
Side note: Since its recent introduction, medical malpractice insurance companies have been promoting electronic medical records, or EMRs, as a “miracle innovation” that would help to lower medical malpractice rates. As of November, 2010, when the Conning Research and Consulting Company released their findings, the promised savings from EMRs have not materialized. The study also […]
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