How Louisiana’s COVID Immunity Ruling Impacts Healthcare Providers and Medical Liability Cases
The Louisiana Court of Appeals decision that COVID-19 immunity cannot be considered during medical review panel proceedings has significant implications for healthcare providers. This ruling increases liability exposure during the panel process and highlights the importance of strong medical malpractice insurance. As providers face heightened risks in navigating medical liability cases, comprehensive malpractice coverage becomes […]

Voters Protect PCF, Louisiana Medical Malpractice Insurance
side note: The Louisiana Medical Society took heed from the woes of states like Wisconsin and New Hampshire. Both state governments raided their Patient Compensation Fund as a way of balancing their budgets. Both states’ medical societies fought the move in court; both medical societies came out winners. While both PCFs were eventually given their […]

Louisiana Republicans Eager to Push Medical Malpractice Reform
Side note: Republican congressmen from Louisiana are eager for the new session of Congress to begin. The #1 item on their agenda…. the repeal of Obama’s historic health care overhaul. But there is one problem, they are uncertain of what they will propose in its place. Experts believe that the vote against health care reform […]

Virginia Doctors and Trial Lawyers Reach Medical Malpractice Insurance Cap Compromise
Side note: Doctors and trial lawyers in Virginia reached a compromise dealing with increasing the state’s medical malpractice insurance cap. The cap is currently set at 2 million dollars and the two parties agreed to yearly increments of $50,000 for the next 20 years. Trial lawyers lobbied for increases to the cap in order to […]

Louisiana’s Medical Malpractice Insurance Caps get Struck Down
Side note: Medical malpractice insurance reform is dealt a blow when med-mal insurance caps in Louisiana are declared unconstitutional. Unfortunately the malpractice case in question is so tragic that the verdict sounds reasonable. This case serves as a reminder why the medical community must help police itself to weed out the negligent, and unqualified, medical […]

Louisiana Abortion Clinics File Suit To Block State Ultrasound, Malpractice Laws
side note: This doesn’t pass the sniff test. The Louisiana state legislature recently passed a law that forbids access to the state’s excess liability medical malpractice insurance fund to doctors that perform abortions. Of course, those doctors still must pay into the fund, but cannot access it because those doctors choose to perform a specific, […]
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