Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research
Big Data and Medical Liability Risks
Leveraging Big Data to Mitigate Medical Liability Risks, Improve Practice Economics The era of big data in medicine is here, and it promises to improve the overall quality and efficiency of healthcare, increase profitability, reduce waste, predict epidemics, cure diseases and help avoid adverse medical outcomes. Of course, its success is reliant upon collecting the […]
The ACA and Economic Damages in Medmal Verdicts
The Affordable Care Act’s Potential to Subrogate Future Care Portion of Economic Damages in Medical Liability Verdicts By Michael Matray Editor of the Medical Liability Monitor While political partisans and healthcare pundits have been arguing over the constitutionality and/or practical effectiveness of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act since it was enacted six years […]
Physician Focus: Telemedicine
Telemedicine is a growing part of healthcare. Due to rapid developments in technology, physicians are able to interact with patients in ways that were impossible just a few years ago. Telemedicine can help physicians reach under-served communities, provide convenience to patients and allow for remote diagnostic and patient-monitoring, among many other services. In our video […]
Telemedicine Reimbursement Rates
Telemedicine can have variable reimbursement rates, an important thing for physicians to be aware of. In the seventh and final part of our series, Physician Focus: Telemedicine, Healthcare Matters sits down with award-winning physician Dr. Jonathan Terry, an osteopathic physician and surgeon and psychiatrist who uses telemedicine extensively in his practice. Dr. Terry describes how […]
Legislative Challenges to Telemedicine
Telemedicine offers many opportunities to patients, physicians and the healthcare system, including greater access and the possibility of lowering costs. However, telemedicine is also subject to state laws and regulations, which can make it easier to use in some locations than in others. For example, though Texas has a large and underserved rural population, Texas […]
Electronic Medical Records and Documentation in Telemedicine
As with any physician-patient encounter, telemedicine needs to include proper documentation and use of electronic medical records. In Part V of our series, Physician Focus: Telemedicine, we talk with Dr. Jonathan Terry, an award-winning osteopathic physician and surgeon and psychiatrist who uses telemedicine extensively in his practice. Dr. Terry explains that, in addition to documenting […]
Direct Primary Care Summit Shares Strategies for Making the DPC Model Flourish
By Erik Leander Hosted at the Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo., the 2016 Direct Primary Care Summit convened from July 8 – 10 to bring together seasoned DPC practitioners and those physicians interested in transitioning from traditional practice to the more patient-centered DPC model. The weekend event featured 13 educational sessions and ample networking […]
Informed Consent and Telemedicine
All physicians need to be aware of informed consent, whether they are practicing in a traditional, in-person environment, or they are utilizing telemedicine. With both unique advantages and challenges in using telemedicine, it is important for physicians to understand the implications for informed consent. In Part IV of our series, Physician Focus: Telemedicine, Healthcare Matters […]
Four Advantages of Telemedicine
In Part III of our series, Physician Focus: Telemedicine, we speak with award-winning physician Jonathan Terry, DO, ABIHM, about the many advantages telemedicine provides to both patients and physicians. Dr. Terry explains how telemedicine can promote positive interactions between doctors and patients, provide cost-effective care, increase convenience to patients and provide access to care for […]
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