Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research
EHRs: Top 6 Areas of Liability recently had a great article, entitled, EHRs Can Be Risky Business for Physicians, that summarized nicely 6 things that we agree that all practices should be concerned about with respect to EHRs. We will summarize them here, today. Top 6 Areas of Liability for EHRs: 1. Incomplete implementation. The author, Jeffrey D. Brunken, writes […]
Medical Liability Monitor 2013 Annual Rate Survey Indicates Continued Soft Market, Revenue Outpaces Claims Expenses
According to just-released data from the 2013 Medical Liability Monitor Annual Rate Survey, the medical professional liability insurance industry has experienced yet another year where rates and written premium continue to trend downward, while insurers continue to achieve above-average financial results. This is a familiar scenario, as rates have been declining since 2006, but year […]
Update: Health Insurance Marketplace Glitches & Scams
Tuesday was a big day in health care. As you know, the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplace opened. And, today, we’d like to give you two brief updates. First, due to the high volume of requests, many of the websites have been slow and some have also experienced glitches. Please encourage your patients to […]
3 Top 3 Lists about the Health Insurance Marketplace
The Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace opens today, October 1, and undoubtedly you will be facing questions from your patients about it and how they can get coverage. The American Medical Association has put together several brief, yet very informative, documents for patients and physicians. Here is a link to the new Health Insurance […]
Online Reviews: Yours & Ours
With the recent press over the New York Attorney General fining many companies for providing artificial online reviews, we thought we’d take a moment to address the topic ourselves, in two ways: 1. It probably goes without saying, but in case you are still tempted to do this, don’t. While no one wants a bad […]
Physician Liability Often Extends Beyond Self within a Practice
In the medical malpractice world, whether it is warranted or not, physicians are often left holding the bag for errors that may have been made by the larger health care team. A recent article tackles this topic of physician liability in a practice setting and how to reduce one’s risk by addressing issues within […]
5 New Trends in Medical Malpractice Risk Management
It seems like just about every aspect of medicine and health care in America is in a state of transition today. Keeping track of these trends can be a full-time job, and is often akin to trying to pin down a moving target. Here, on this blog, we monitor real-life trends that are occurring in […]
Financial Incentives in Medicine: Good Idea or Icky?
Money is a great way to incentivize people –but should it be used in medicine to achieve better outcomes with patients? Is this a smart idea that has been successfully used in other areas of the traditional business world and should it be translated to the medical world? Or, is there something slightly off-putting about […]
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