Latest Med-Mal Insurance News & Research
Texas Tort Reform Is NOT a Model for Nationwide Healthcare Reform
side note: This is an interesting counterpoint to the widely accepted idea that Texas tort reform is a model to be emulated. Not everything is a rosy as it seems, however, we do think we can use bits and pieces of the tort reform laws on the books in Texas as a way to start […]
Lessons from Texas Medical Malpractice Insurance Reforms
side note: Texas is being heralded as a model state by tort reform advocates. We do think more time is needed to realize the full impact, because there may be unforeseen problems that arise….say for example, access to care. Enjoy the interview. Metro Corp Counsel Editor: John, we congratulate you for being a leader in […]
New Jersey Mandates Fuller Hospital Medical Malpractice Disclosures
side note: New Jersey’s mandate to disclose all errors could have significant impact on medical malpractice insurance premiums for doctors practicing in the Garden State. Insurance Journal New Jersey hospitals will soon have to make public more detailed information on medical errors. The legislation — which also bars hospitals from charging insurers or patients for […]
Hospitals Find Openness About Mistakes Improves Safety, Reduces Lawsuits
side note: This is an example that the Sorry Works program is often better for healthcare than litigious denial of medical malpractice. The issue always with an apology is making sure it doesn’t end up in the court room, it’s hard for a juror to “strike” that statement from their head when they hear it….even […]
Why Isn't Medical Liability Reform Being Discussed?
side note: Price Waterhouse Cooper reports that 10 cents of every healthcare dollar is driven by medical liability issues. The author of this article asks, Why isn’t liability reform being discussed? This is what we have been saying for a long time now, reform has to be on the table! Sun Sentinal As lawmakers work […]
Healthcare Reform Is Critical; So Is Tort Reform
Waco Tribune On Wednesday I had the opportunity to attend a congressional update and discussion with U.S. Rep. Chet Edwards and listen to his ideas about health care reform. I walked away from this session believing that Edwards and I agree on one thing: When it comes to health care, we need reform. How we […]
First, Let's Agree There Is a Problem with Healthcare, Medical Malpractice Insurance
side note: This article calls for both sides of the debate to agree there’s a problem with American healthcare, and then address what that problem includes, like the fact doctors charge exorbitant fees and order unnecessary and costly tests because they must pay enormous premiums for malpractice insurance and protect themselves against lawsuits. It’s not […]
AMA Supports Healthcare Reform Bill, But Will Continue to Push for Medical Malpractice Insurance Reform
side note: In this article, the AMA defends its support of the healthcare reform bill, but “will continue to work with members of the House of Representatives to improve the bill,” which includes pushing its big priorities, like caps on malpractice lawsuit damages. The Hill The American Medical Association is telling members that even though […]
Improving Medical Malpractice Insurance Costs Critical to Healthcare Reform
side note: This article references a letter by the president of the Pennsylvania Neurosurgical Society that states, without reforming the inefficiencies of the current medical liability system, physicians must make tough decisions, which includes altering or limiting their services because of liability concerns, which impedes patient access to care. With Baby Boomers retiring at staggering […]
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